The Security Research Event (SRE) is the annual meeting where industry, policy makers and knowledge institutions come together to discuss the state of play and current challenges for security research in Europe.
The SRE 2023 was organised in Brussels on 24-25 October 2023 by the European Commission with the support of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, represented by Spanish Departamento de Retos Sociales, Dirección de Programas de la UE y Cooperación Territorial.
This year’s event was focused on challenges stemming from global megatrends, which are shifting the ground for security in the EU. The main themes are embraced by the event’s title: “Societal transformation, digitalisation and climate change – a new paradigm for Security Research?”
The SRE 2023 consisted of a Conference and an Exhibition. Opening Keynote Speeches and an Introductory High Level Round Table on the future of security research will set the policy context and provide thoughts for thematic panels of the event. The Exhibition illustrated the main themes of the event with over 50 booths presenting selected security research projects funded by the EU programmes, as well booths presenting activities of the European Commission, EU agencies in the field of justice and home affairs and the national security research activities of Spain. The Exhibition was complemented by small scale demos from selected EU projects.
SKYLD LTD together with valuable partners from SUNRISE project ( had the chance to present the project to the participants, demonstrating the project’s Tool for Resource Demand Prediction and Management as well as the Tool for Increased Cyber Physical Resilience in front of an engaged audience. Valuable feedback was taken from comments and dialogue with different interested stakeholders.